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The True Benefit of Vitality Insurance


Hi, this is Ceri… I was recently invited to the Vitality Exclusive Associate conference in London. Being an Exclusive Associate sounds a bit fancy, but all it actually means is that we have made the choice […]

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remoo mortgages credit card debt and mortgages

5 Specialist Lenders for Complex Credit


Hi, this is Ceri… Not being able to re-mortgage or buy a house because of bad credit is a myth, and I’m about to dispel it. What I’m about to say often comes as a shock […]

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How to Use the Equity in Your Home


The equity in your home is yours, use it! Hi, this is Ceri… Relax FCA, I’m not about to tell people to rush out and take a 90% loan to value mortgage to fund their best […]

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5 Ways to maximise mortgage borrowing


Hi, this is Ceri… One of the questions we get asked the most is how to maximise mortgage borrowing. It makes sense, as everyone wants to make their deposit stretch as far as possible. With interest […]

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5 Top Tips for Moving House


Hi, this is Ceri… Around 10 years ago, when I first started my journey as a Mortgage Advisor, I was an eternal optimist who believed I’d found a job where I could genuinely help people. Ten […]

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